World IP Day Webinar – 27th April, 12pm

We are delighted to announce our next webinar for World IP Day. Book your spot on Eventbrite Peter MacLachlan, Trade Mark Attorney and Director, and Denis McCarthy, Patent Attorney and Director, will be joined by Joe Doyle, Intellectual Property Manager with Enterprise Ireland.  Together they will discuss the basics of IP for SMEs, how to [...]

2021-04-15T09:35:21+00:00April 14th, 2021|Events, News|

Ideas Powered for Business SME Fund

We would like to draw attention to the Ideas Powered for Business Fund which is a European Commission initiative implemented by the EUIPO to financially support European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and help them access their intellectual property rights. There are two elements to the fund. Beneficiaries can get 50% off the basic application [...]

2021-03-11T17:21:26+00:00March 10th, 2021|News|

What you need to know about Trade Mark Infringement

Trade mark infringement can be loosely defined as the unauthorised use of a registered trade mark by any third party in the course of trade. In fact, the purpose of a trade mark registration is to provide the owner with a monopoly right in a sign used by them to distinguish their goods or services [...]

2022-01-10T14:27:17+00:00February 17th, 2021|News, Publications|

5 Steps to Protecting Your Brand on Social Media

Social media has provided us with a platform for creativity and promotional activity readily available to all users where the content is infinite. Brand-owners have taken this as an opportunity to gain visibility and connect with their audiences or consumers through social media. However, while this increased online presence is considered to be every brand [...]

2021-02-03T13:55:11+00:00February 2nd, 2021|News|

6 steps to building your IP strategy

Have you made your business New Year resolutions? Have you finalised your business goals for this year and have you included an IP Strategy as part of these goals? Intellectual Property is an integral component of any successful business and includes a company’s patents, trade marks, designs, copyrights and trade secrets. An Intellectual Property Strategy [...]

2023-01-10T16:30:42+00:00January 6th, 2021|News|

Christmas – the Uncle of invention?

Listening to thought for the day on BBC Radio 2, the speaker spoke about the ban on the celebration of Christmas in 17th century England and how mince pies, which were apparently once shaped like, and the size of, cribs were transformed into the small versions we know and love today, making them easier to [...]

2020-12-09T11:00:39+00:00December 8th, 2020|News|

Northern Ireland and Exhaustion of Rights

Due to the Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland is in the unique position of having access to both the United Kingdom (UK) and European Union (EU) markets, but is our access to the EU market as “unfettered“ as some may suggest? Current goods placed on the market anywhere in the United Kingdom [...]

2020-12-03T10:26:59+00:00December 2nd, 2020|News|

Brexit and Intellectual Property, Part II

Following on from Part I of of Brexit and IP, we will look now at a further range of topics including international trade marks, the ramifications of use, exhaustion of rights, infringements and domains. Additionally we will touch on other types of intellectual property which, other than designs, are largely not affected by Brexit. We [...]

2020-11-10T12:25:31+00:00November 4th, 2020|News|
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